Housr features
We'll give you a great housing experience, plus plenty of extra benefits.
Find properties
Search over 44,000 properties to find your next student house.
Book viewings
Easily book viewings for properties and connect your calendar to keep track of all your bookings.
Speak to landlords
Never get left on read again, use the landlord chat feature to be put in contact with your landlord immediately.

Search with friends
View each others liked houses by searching with friends and get booking quicker.
Report issues
Manage maintenance issues easily and log issues to your landlord as soon as they occur.
Receive perks
Save your student loan when you use the perks page to access Housr exclusive deals for some of your favourite venues and brands.
Student bills, made simple.
Our all-in-one bundle makes paying shared bills a breeze.
We make student life easier with one simple monthly bill which is split equally between housemates, so you only ever pay your share.
Unlimited Energy
Unlimited Water
Ultrafast Internet

Instant access to perks, perks, and more perks!
Whether you’re looking to save on everyday expenses or treat yourself to something special, our Perks are your gateway to a more enriched student experience. Download the Housr App to get your perks today!

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What students say about us
Hear from real students that have benefited from using Housr
William Jones
Sianna May
Evie Nelson
Luc Eliza
Frequently asked questions
Got questions? Take a look below.
You can search with friends by typing in their name and number.
Searching as a group collates all your liked properties into one list for a shared view. This visibility means you can book viewing much quicker by seeing what the majority of the group like.
Yes, you can send an invite to your friends to join the house search with you.
Certainly, once you’ve made your house group, you can use the in-app group chat feature.
You're in good hands.
Finding a home with your friends has never been so easy!
Latest from Housr
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Download the Housr App
The Housr App helps you manage everything in one place. Search for your next house with friends, arrange property viewings and chat to landlords directly.
We also send exclusive promotions and events to our student community via the Housr app, giving you plenty of opportunity to get freebies and save cash at uni.